Category Archives: 一般コミック [Normal Manga]

ブレイク ブレイド

Manga scans of Yunosuke Yoshinaga’s ブレイク ブレイド (Broken Blade or Break Blade)


Post update:

2/10/2010 : Added volume 7 and volume 8


Summary from Wiki:

The series is centered around Rygart Arrow, an “un-sorcerer” born into a world of people who can use magic. These people can make quartz do many things, but Rygart is one of the few exceptions; he cannot use quartz, making many aspects of life difficult for him. Yet despite this, at military school, he manages to become best friends with Hodr and Sigyn, the future King and Queen of the Krisna Kingdom and Zess, the younger brother of the Secretary of War of the Athens Commonwealth.

Years later, Rygart is reunited with Hodr and Sigyn at the Capital city of Krisna where he learns the Athens Commonwealth has just declared war on Krisna. But it is at the capital that Rygart learns that his un-sorcerer ability allows him to pilot an ancient, effective, mecha that cannot be piloted by magic users.

Rygart later learns that Zess is leading a mecha strike force to the capital which forces him to choose sides between his friends, Hodr or Zess.


uploaded to: mediafire


Volume 1 (75.15 MB)


Volume 2 (48.58 MB)


Volume 3 (63.05 MB)


Volume 4 (50.43 MB)


Volume 5 (59.76 MB)


Volume 6 (51.83 MB)


Volume 7 (69.25 MB)


Volume 8 (53.98 MB)


I have to say, this is one hell of mecha series…great mecha design and over the top characters, but its really too bad becoz it was made as a 6 parts movie similar to Kara no Kyoukai. The first part went on Japan’s theater last month, while the 2nd one is scheduled to be on theater end of this month, and i don’t really know whether the first movie was sucks or what, but the review from it seems to be positive, though not much source talks about the first movie, except for Japanese’s bloggers and 2ch. But really, for movie like this, the most pain thing about it is the hellish wait for the DVD/BD to be release out… hopefully i have that long patience to wait for it >w<


Say..the girl on the fourth volume really looks like Hiromi from True Tears… @@”’


Watched the movie… had to say, Rygart Arrow is a drama king.


JP raw scans of Yoko Sanri’s B型H系 (B Gata H Kei or B type H series)


Post update:

1/10/2010 : Added volume 6, volume 7 and volume 8


Summary on Wiki:

Yamada is a 15 year old high school student whose lascivious nature causes her to aspire to one day achieve relations with 100 different partners. However, her insecurities as a virgin leads her to reject every guy that attempts to make a move on her. In order to hurdle this mental barrier Yamada goes on a search for her “golden cherry”, an inexperienced boy whom she will bestow the right to be her first. One day while in a bookstore she abruptly runs into one of her classmates, Kosuda Takashi, who happened to pass by and break her fall from a shelf. Believing that Kosuda is the boy she is looking for Yamada goes to great lengths to try and seduce him. All the while, she discovers the difficulties in making that first important step in reaching her goals.


tl;dr She just want 100 fuckbuddies…too bad she can’t..coz she is stuck chasing a nerd name Kosuda


Volume 1 (61.76 MB)


Volume 2 (38.03 MB)


Volume 3 (52.12 MB)


Volume 4 (61.37 MB)


Volume 5 (22.12 MB)


Volume 6 (56.8 MB)


Volume 7 (57.77 MB)


Volume 8 (54.37 MB)


One of the series that is currently being aired for the spring season in Japan. Its on my must watching list right now, and i seriously recommend it to anyone that love a light ecchi romance story.

100 fuckbuddies are awesome, too bad the rest 99 guys won’t get their chance to be Yamada’s partner. So if by any chance you’re given the chance to be on the same shoes as Kousada, please accept it with a completely open heart. Its your FATE!

(ignore the bullshits on 2nd paragraph)
Btw you might need this just in case if you’re watching the anime or reading the manga…


I hate to hit the sack but, yeah… the latest chapter confirms that Yamada finally gets laid… i mean, properly lol.


JP raw scans of Karino Takatsu’s WORKING!! (yeah the title is just like that…)


Post update:

30/9/2010 : Added volume 8 and removed chapter 134-150.

16/7/2010 : Added volume 7 and removed chapter 117-133.

11/5/2010 : Added magazine scans from chapter 117-150


Summary on Jwiki:

A simple daily life’s stories of workers at Wagnaria, a family restaurant located at a certain area in  Hokkaido.


uploaded to: mediafire


Volume 1 (45.52 MB)


Volume 2 (33.6 MB)


Volume 3 (29.71 MB)


Volume 4 (40.64 MB)


Volume 5 (38.78 MB)


Volume 6 (55.39 MB)


Volume 7 (43.83 MB)


Volume 8 (56.61 MB)


One of the series that is currently being aired for the spring season in Japan. It came out few weeks ago as a pre-aired before the official airing date, and i kinda think that the story was slow. Not that i dislike slow pace story, well, my first impression about a slow slice-of-life story has always been abit negative.

But i hope you all won’t drop this series just because of what i said above. Because slice-of-life genre is fun in its own way. Give this series a few episodes, and i’m sure you guys gonna love it.


Okay i decided to put this on my watch list after watching episode 2…Poplar and Mahiru are srsly moe.


Damn things just get hotter between Inami and Takanashi… xD

Popcorn Avatar 「ポップコーンアバター」

S’up, Honoo here doing some invasion, posting here for teh lulz. 😛

and I’m too lazy to introduce myself here heh heh heh.

Nah, it’s just that I thought I had something to write, so here I am doing it…

Thanks margafred for the invite.

So yesterday I went to Kinokuniya KLCC yesterday to pick up three tankoubon I ordered on 18th of August (thank you dude for the money, my salary is not in yet, bugger). For this series I already have the first tankoubon I bought earlier, but ordered the two just to be sure I can have it the next time I go there 😛

The other book was Taguchi Kenji’s DCD (Diamond Cut Diamond) Vol. 1 but I haven’t finished it yet, too tired to read it haha. Maybe I’ll cover it after I’m finished with it…

Okay so here goes nothing… Oh, my translations might sound a bit insensible so please suggest better corrections for me XD.

By the way I’m using info from here so if any of you are Japanese-literate please help me with translating of the details down below.

Also to be warned: I love spoilers and I LOVE TO SPOIL, you’ve been warned 😛


ポップコーンアバター (Popcorn Avatar) by Koichiro Hoshino


The Devas (divine beings) and the Asuras (demonic beings) of old have reincarnated in the modern era. Pairing in the battle for world domination, with the girls channeling their powers to their partners, the Avatars.

Key Characters

Wada Kurando (和田蔵人)

The main male protagonist. High school 1st year. Troubled by an accident involving his younger sister and rejection by his anguished mother, he currently lives at his grandmother’s house. Due to that accident he possesses a gloomy attitude.

One day in mid-winter he becomes involved in the struggle to protect the world, together with Lisa.

Lisa Vaayu (リサ・ヴァーユ)

Heroine of the story. High school first year. An Englishwoman raised in Japan. Her appearance is that of a teenage girl with long, blond hair tied to a ponytail with a black ribbon. However, beneath that appearance she is actually the modern-day incarnation of Vaayu, the Deva who governs the wind.

She is quite aggresive, some people around her thinks she is a sadist. She wears a cheerleader outfit in battle.

During her childhood days, she was often teased and bullied due to her appearance with the blond hair. This is when she met Kurando for the first time, which changed her personality to what she is now ever since.


I first saw this title a few weeks ago lurking somewhere on Kinokuniya’s shelves but I just couldn’t remember that at that time it sparked quite a bit of curiosity in me that I wanted to seek more info on it. Later when I made another visit there I remembered that I got interested in it, and luckily I had quite an amount to spend (on just one), so I did. But since there’s 3 volumes on the shelves I decided to book the remaining two and collect it later with another tankoubon I’m ordering.

I ashamedly admit I got interested in the series after looking at the first volume’s cover which consists of Risa and Kurando. Fulfillment of requirement 1 complete: a dude and a girl. Okay. Bonus points to Lisa because I went “dayum this is one hot babe.” (which is the real reason my interest in it spiked way off the roof XD)

Lisa’s (and indirectly, Kurando’s) backstory was a surprise… it’s revealed that she and Kurando once met when they were still children, and at that time she was frequently a target for bullies… oh yeah, what’s that again? Racism? But yeah, didn’t really expect she’s such a depressed girl in contrast to her current personality – which mirrors that of the Kurando she knows now. So yeah. Crybaby Lisa becomes Genki Lisa, while Genki Kurando becomes Emoboy (well excuse my way with words) Kurando.

I’m interested how far the relation between those two will go as the Deva versus Asura battles go on. It was really interesting to see Lisa going deredere (if only for a bit) when Kurando visited her at home when she was down with a cold – which is quite funny considering Lisa is an incarnation of the Hindu wind god, and one of the causes that can lead to a cold is being outside for extended periods of time with very few clothing on and the cold winds blowing (see the funny thing here? She’s the goddamn Vaayu for goodness’s sake XD) something that I noticed she always does, what with wearing cheerleader outfits LOL.

I guess here is where I stop, heh. I hope I can buy more of this (… or *ehemehem* ) to find out more… if I have money to do so XD I feel glad I noticed this though. 😀



JP novel scans of Tomohiro Matsu (author) and Peco (illustrator)’s 迷い猫オーバーラン! (Mayoi Neko Overrun! or Stray Cats Overrun!)


Summary from Baka-Updates:

The story revolves around Takumi Tsuzuki, a boy who lives with his older “sister” Otome, although the two have no blood ties between them. Otome manages a run-down confectionery store called Stray Cats. One day, Otome picks up a mysterious beautiful girl off the streets.


uploaded to: mediafire


Volume 1 (27.71MB)


Volume 2 (37.42 MB)


Volume 3 (33.82 MB)


Volume 4 (35.72 MB)


Volume 5 (35.9 MB)


Volume 6 (37.73 MB)


Volume 7 (41.93 MB)


Volume 8 (28.43 MB)


Not to forget, the manga adaptation of Mayoi Neko Overrun! by Kentaro Yabuki (Black Cat, To Love-Ru) based on the novel of the same title by Tomohiro Matsu.


Volume 1 (70.91 MB)


And a Character Navigation Book of Mayoi Neko Overrun, by Tomohiro Matsu and Kentaro Yabuki (illustrator). titled Mayoi Neko Overrun! Neko-Can (Comic-Animation-Novel) *Damn they sure produced alot of stuffs when it comes to series like this….*


Neko-CAN (68.26 MB)


I don’t think i need to mention about the anime that was aired last season. I’m too tired right now for that. Oh and to certain someone that requested for this title… just so to let you know…. i didn’t do this for your sake k… don’t get yourself wrong kay… *Fumino’s tsundere mode*


Seriously i’m too tired right now to do the comments about this… so instead i put something that i made before hand to summarize my opinion about the girls.

Ok time to sleep *huargh*